
Cortez Public Library to host Mid Lib Theater

Cortez Public Library will host Mad Lib Theater on May 22 for kids ages 8 to 12.

The Journal

Cortez Public Library will host the Mid Lib Theater from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. May 22, at the library, 202 N. Park St.

Thos will be the inaugural launch of Mad Lib Theater. Family Leadership Training Institute graduate and Montelores Early Childhood Council employee Adriene Ratican will facilitate the club.

Mid Lib Theater is free for kids ages 8 to 12. Kids will collaborate as they fashion their own play around a Mad Lib story. They will also plan on when to meet next and what direction their theater experience will take them. Take part in this cool experiment. Refreshments will be served for the children.

For more information, call Laura at 565-8117.