
Cortez Pickleball Tournament a success

I'd like to thank the Cortez Pickleball Group and Friends of Recreation for hosting the second annual Cortez Pickleball Tournament last Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11 and 12.

With 88 entries and participants from Cortez, plus players from as far away as Grand Junction, Salida, Farmington, Montrose and Durango, the event proves that Cortez has made a name for itself as a pickleball destination for locals and tourists.

The tournament hosts and sponsors provided breakfast, lunch, door prizes, awards, competition and fun. The tournament entry fees will go toward scholarships to the Cortez Recreation Center scholarship fund.

Despite its rather silly name, pickleball is a fast growing sport that allows players of any age or skill level to be active and social. The Cortez Pickleball Group welcomes new players and even offers lessons. I feel fortunate that my town offers so many recreational opportunities with facilities that are the envy of surrounding communities.

Thanks again to the pickleball enthusiasts who promote our community by providing healthy physical activity and warm hospitality.

Terry Wells
