Cortez PD shares 9 p.m. Routine to promote community safety

The Cortez Police Department shared information on the 9 p.m. routine which helps create habits for a safer community.
'Watchdog’ routine helps ensure safety of individuals and belongings

The Cortez Police Department, with the help of 9 p.m. Routine, encourages residents to “be your own watchdog” by following steps to stay safe and prevent thefts.

The 9 PM Routine, which is believed to have originated in Florida in 2017, is now a national campaign.

“It is a great tool for creating a crime deterring habit in the community,” public information officer Kelly Codner told The Journal. “We encourage the community to set an alarm for 9 p.m. each evening until it becomes a habit.”

The routine involves four main steps: securing valuables, locking doors and windows, setting alarms and security systems and turning on exterior lights.

The first step, securing valuables, is simply keeping valuable items out of the line of sight of those who may steal. The PD noted that even boxes inside a vehicle could be tempting for a potential intruder.

Some of the items listed to keep out of sight include IDs, birth certificates, credit and debit cards, purses, guns, tax refund cards and more.

Windows and doors to homes and cars should be locked because thefts may occur when an intruder discovers an unlocked door. After doors and windows are locked, security measures such as alarms or video cameras should be activated.

Finally, exterior lights should be turned.

The 9 p.m. routine helps prevent crime and promotes community safety. Opportunistic criminals are usually looking for an easy target, but locking doors and hiding valuables makes it “harder for them to succeed.”

The 9 p.m. routine also allows for peace of mind and the building of habits that keep individuals, the community and their property safer from those who seek to steal and do harm.

“Encouraging your family, friends and neighbors to adopt the 9 p.m. routine can have a ripple effect, enhancing the safety of our entire community,” Codner said.

The police department encourages all community members to register for the Montezuma County Emergency Alert Everbridge system, found online at or the Crimewatch mobile app, which can be found and downloaded from the PD’s website, The 9 p.m. routine also has an app that provides reminders of the steps. This app can be found at