
Cortez FFA celebrates week

The Cortez FFA Chapter will celebrate National FFA Week, Feb. 16-22.

This year’s theme is “Ignite,” and it embraces more than 80 years of FFA traditions while looking forward to the organization’s future. More than half a million members will participate in National FFA Week activities at local, state and national levels.

These members have a passion for agriculture.

Designated as National FFA Week in 1947, the week of George Washington’s birthday is FFA Week, and runs from Sunday to Saturday. FFA Week gives FFA members an opportunity to educate the public about the agricultural industry, and agricultural education, which includes FFA.

During the week, chapters conduct a variety of activities to help others in their school and community learn about FFA and agricultural education.

Cortez FFA will celebrate National FFA Week by participating in the following activities: designing and building window displays to display on Main Street, sponsoring a “drive your farm implement to school” day, conducting a fundraiser to donate funds to help agriculturalist devastated by natural disasters, and wearing FFA attire at school.

Cortez FFA members will also be selling meat products through DJ’s Fundraising to raise money to attend career development events and the Colorado State FFA Convention.

Today’s FFA members are the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. Through agricultural and hands-on learning, they are preparing for more than 300 career opportunities in the food, fiber and natural resources industry.

National FFA Week is sponsored by Tractor Supply Co. as a project of the National FFA Foundation.