
Cortez announces Beautification Mini Grant

The mural painted on Merriweather Home + Market was made possible by a former beautification grant. (City of Cortez)
The grant was created to help local businesses with exterior improvements

On Wednesday, the city announced that it was accepting applications for its Cortez Business Beautification Mini Grant program, which was created to foster a “positive commercial environment” in the area.

Cortez-based businesses and nonprofits can apply for up to $1,500 in matching funds, and the funds can be utilized to help in the purchase of “materials utilized in the enhancement of a business’ existing facade” or business entrance.

Eligible projects are the replacement or upgrade of exterior deteriorated materials, new awnings, resurfacing, stucco, molding repairs, signs, new doors or windows and the painting of building exterior. Up to $300 of the city match can be used for the purchase and placement of flowers, potted plants, window cleaning and temporary window painting, according to information acquired from the city.

To qualify, Cortez businesses and nonprofits are required to be in good standing with the state of Colorado and the city of Cortez, be located in city limits and “a current public-facing facade.” They must also be compliant with all city codes and regulations, as well as purchasing their improvement materials from Montezuma-County businesses, unless it is not available in the county.

Applicants must also obtain approval for any projects before purchasing the materials and/or hiring contractors, and they will be reimbursed after they submit receipts and show photos of the improvements. Home-based businesses are not eligible to apply.

The maximum grant that can be acquired is $1,500, and it cannot be combined with other grants from the city.

The grant program will begin on May 22, and will close Oct. 1.

The city shared that requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and while funding lasts. Business owners can turn in an application at City Hall or on the city’s website at

To apply, businesses should contact the Montezuma County vendors to obtain a quote or to provide an estimated cost for materials. Then, the business can submit their finished application.

After receiving the grant match award letter, the business can then begin their project. Once business improvement materials are purchased, copies or receipts, paid invoices and project completion photos can be emailed to Once a review is complete, a reimbursement will be mailed.

Questions can be directed to or (970) 565-3402.