Corrections & clarifications

A story Feb. 11 on Page 1B misspelled the name of Earnest House, executive director of the Colorado Commission for Indian Affairs.

A story Feb. 11 on 1A about the Mancos water crisis inaccurately described how water was supplied to Mancos. A pipe sent water from settling ponds through filters at the treatment plant. No untreated water was diverted to the water tank, according to Mancos officials.

A story Feb. 11 on Page 2A about a murder case requires clarification. After deliberation, District Judge Todd Plewe said that defendant Valerie Espinosa should undergo a competency hearing.

A story Feb. 7 on Page 2A misspelled the name of Kim Percell, who has announced her candidacy for Montezuma County Clerk.

A story Feb. 4 on Page 1A requires clarification. The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office may spend Law Enforcement Authority funds for law-enforcement in non-incorporated areas of the county.