
‘Contempt for homeless anything but subtle’

A recent letter regarding no safe place for the homeless to sleep in Durango is well-stated. I disagree with only one point: Contempt for the homeless in Durango is anything but subtle.

Given the lack of actions by the City Council, county commission, board of health and lack of any public outcry by churches, nonprofits, emergency personnel, such as the fire and police chiefs, and the larger Durango community, contempt and lack of compassionate action for the homeless is evident.

The homeless are invisible. Many sleeping outside struggle with physical and mental issues. Sleeping in frigid temperatures exacerbates those issues. Being homeless is not always a choice. The city and county have the physical facilities, funds, ordinance modification power, if necessary, and the ability to solicit nonprofits to run a temporary overnight warming facility for the homeless.

On the Front Range, conservative communities like Pueblo and Colorado Springs ensure that the homeless do not have to suffer during the winter. Without a public outcry by the larger community, nonprofits and others, a temporary warming shelter is a pipe dream.

Thankfully and important, the city and county have implemented projects to provide affordable housing and a bridge housing. But how does that keep people warm and safe when it’s cold? How does a community justify spending millions on pickleball courts and ski hill improvements, yet mandate that struggling people sleep outside in the cold?

What kind of community has Durango and La Plata County become?

Michael Todt
