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Community emergency response training to take place in Montezuma County

On June 13, an informational meeting will be held at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds about the recruitment of volunteers to join the county’s Community Emergency Response Team. (Journal file photo)
The training will educate attendees on emergency response

The Community Emergency Response Team, with the support of the Montezuma and Dolores county Offices of Emergency Management, will host a meeting at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds to help recruit members.

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, from 6-8 p.m. at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds, 30100 U.S. Highway 160 east of Cortez.

People who are interested in joining the team will be trained to aid others in the community in the case of a natural disaster or emergency.

“You are the help until help arrives,” the team said in a prepared statement.

According to information from county public information officer Vicki Schaffer, the Community Emergency Response Team, is a “vital program aimed at empowering individuals to make their communities safer and more resilient during emergencies.”

The CERT team emphasized the importance of emergency preparedness training, especially living in a rural area.

“Living in a rural area, we know that emergency response can be limited or may take more than a few minutes to arrive. When disaster strikes, do you have the skills and knowledge to help yourself or your neighbors until help arrives?” they asked.

Volunteers who join the team will be part of “basic” emergency response training from experienced, local first responders.

“We’ll practice skills during training drills and exercises, and learn how to advocate for neighborhood preparedness,” organizers said.

All the training is free, and some of the emergency supplies are included.

“CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety and doing the greatest good for the greatest number,” the CERT team said. “CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where community members will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference. Through training, team members can manage utilities and put out small fires, provide basic medical aid, search for and rescue victims safely, support emergency management and organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective. The CERT course will benefit anyone who takes it. The trained individual will be better prepared to respond to and cope with the aftermath of a disaster.”

Those who participate in CERT training will be taught the skills necessary to assist family, neighbors and community during emergencies or disasters effectively.

During CERT training, new team members will learn disaster response techniques that include strengthening community preparedness and resilience, helping reducing injuries and property damage, be ready to assist in times or need and more.

Participants will also be trained in disaster preparedness and response strategies, basic medical operations and triage, fire safety and suppression techniques, search and rescue methods and team organization and communication.

To sign up for more information, fill out an online form https://form.jotform.com/241406076843153 and attending the informational meeting on Thursday, June 13.

Other information can be accessed on the county’s website at bit.ly/CERT24 or by calling (970) 564-2736.