Return to Center, 5:30 p.m. Canyon for the Ancients Guest Ranch – Sky Village, 4907 County Road G. An evening of storytelling with author Craig Childs. Tickets:
Music & Mimosas feat. Marcia Ewell, 10 a.m.-noon ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Immerse yourself in the perfect blend of art, music, and refreshments featuring musician Marcia Ewell. Details:
Sealed In Time, 2-3 p.m. Montezuma Heritage Museum, 35 S. Chestnut. Donations are encouraged. Fred Blackburn will discuss latest findings on historic signatures in Aztec Ruins, New Mexico.
Marketing Taster Meetup, noon ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Each month explore a vital business marketing topic. Details:
Listening Room with Marilyn Kroeker, 6 p.m. ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. The 23rd Listening Room on the front gallery stage. Details:
The Blessing of the Water for Animals and Creation, 4 p.m. St. Barnabas of the Valley, 110 W. North St. Animals large and small – four-legged, two-legged, furred and feathered, scaled and finned – and their humans are invited. Bring a favorite houseplant. The service will be outdoors. Call 565-7865 or email for more information.
Acoustic Open Mic with Yves, 6 p.m. ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Sign-up is that night at 5:30 p.m. and is limited to 15 minutes per performance. Details:
Montezuma Mutts Calendar Release Party, 6 p.m. ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Find out which “mutt” made the cover. $5 from each sale benefits Good Samaritan Food Pantry. Details:
Worldwide Photo Walk – Creative Blocks of Cortez, 4 p.m. ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St., Every year, photographers and enthusiasts worldwide grab their cameras and gather in their city. Details:
Acoustic Jam for Beginners, 6 p.m. ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Would like to start playing with others, but are intimated by larger jams? Details:
Auditions for solos in MESSIAH Sing-in, 6-7:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park St. Sing-In will be performed Sunday, Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. For details call 970-570-9680.
Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen monthly meeting, Happy half-hour at 6:30 p.m. and meeting at 7 p.m. First National Bank Meeting Room, 2258 E. Main St.
Diabetes Support Group meets, 3-4:30 p.m., Southwest Memorial Hospital in the Kiva Room, 1311 N. Mildred Road. Details: 564-2275.
Click Clique Photography Club, 6 p.m., ZU Gallery, 48 W. Main St. Free and open to the public. Details:
Trivia Tuesday, 6:30-7:45 p.m., WildEdge Brewery, 111 N. Market St.
In-person dementia support group, Beehive Homes at the Cortez Homestead, 694 Cottonwood St. Details: (970) 529-2050.
Shop Cortez Third Thursdays, 5-8 p.m. Montezuma Park. Music, food and drink. Details:
Alphabet Soup Support Group meeting, 6 p.m., The Piñon Project, 210 E. Main St. Support group for parents, caretaker or guardians of children with special needs or behavioral challenges. Child care available with advanced arrangements. Details: Maggie at or (970) 564-1195.
Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 44, Lindsay-Geer monthly meeting, 12:30 p.m. Lunch at noon. Veterans Outreach Center, 432 N. Broadway.
Square Dance lessons with Four Corners Dancers, 7-8:30 p.m., Cortez Senior Center, 117 N. Chestnut St. Enter through the west entrance. Make friends, laugh and exercise. No partner needed. Details: Duane Randol at 560-2137, Patty Randol at 560-4709 or
Mahjong, 1-4 p.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. American and/or Hong Kong. The public is welcome.
Southwest Art League, 10 a.m., Annex Building, Senior Center, 107 N. Chestnut St. Paint, share ideas, give demos and give unsolicited advice. All welcome. Details: (720) 448-0418.
Family Storytime, 10:30-11 a.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. For pre-K and younger.
Cellphone/Tablet Tech Help, 10-11 a.m. Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. For cellphone tech help at the Cortez Library schedule your time by contacting Heather Roe:, 970-568-5380.
Bridge, 1:30-4 p.m., Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church, 350 S. Washington St. Beginners, veteran players and experts. Coffee and snacks with light fellowship. Attendees should be vaccinated and/or masked. Details: 565-7024 or 565-6088.
Show Me the Money, 4:15-5:30 p.m., Montezuma County High School Library, 418 S. Sligo St. A program for high school students to learn about finances. Details: (602) 505-0308 or
Indigenous Wellbriety Talking Circles, 6-7 p.m. Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Wellbriety Peer Recovery meeting. All are welcome. Join our Talking Circles in person and online: For details call Frankiana, 317-8037 or Imo Succo, 564-3301.
Computer and Technology Help, 3:30-5 p.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St.,
Montelores Catholic Community LIFT Religious Education classes, 5:45-6:45 p.m., Church Center, 20 S. Market St. Preschool through Grade 8. Love and praise Jesus, learn the Catholic tradition, grow in prayer and service. Details: 565-7308, ext. 102.
Family Storytime, 11-1:30 a.m. Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. For pre-K and younger.
Drop-in Storytime, 3:50-4:45 p.m. Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., All ages welcome, 1st – 4th interest level.
Youth Leadership Council, 6-8:30 p.m., Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Open to Montezuma County high school students.
55+ Senior Dance Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Montezuma County Senior Center, 107 N. Chestnut St. Details: 560-2137.
Bingo, 6:45 p.m. Cortez Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Road. Begins Sept. 2. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Food and beverages available. Details: 565-3557.
Indigenous Wellbriety Talking Circles, 1-2:30 p.m. Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Wellbriety Peer Recovery meeting. All are welcome. Join our Talking Circles in person and online: For details, call Frankiana, 317-8037 or Imo Succo, 564-3301.
TOPS weight-loss meeting, with weigh-in at 10:45 a.m., meeting at 11:30 a.m., City Hall (when open), 123 Roger Smith Ave. Everyone welcome. Details:
Game Night with Piñon Project, 6 p.m., virtual. Ages 7-17. Free. Details: Landon, 529-3305 or
Red Dress Awareness and Action events, noon-2 p.m., corner of Main Street and Mildred Road. Details: (612) 422-0791.
Square Dance with Four Corners Dancers, 6:30 p.m., Cortez Senior Center, 117 N. Chestnut St. A night of dancing lead by Duane Randol and Patty Randol. Square dance lessons return Monday, Sept. 18
Dolores Mountain Quilt Guild, 10 a.m., Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Drive. Socialize at 9:30 a.m. Details: Allyson Cook, 951-392-9486.
Story time, 10:30 a.m. Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave.
Qi Gong with Kristina Umberger, 10:15-11:15 a.m. Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Register: 882-4127.
Community Yoga, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave.
Mahjong Hong Kong Simplified Style, 2-4 p.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Free. All levels.
Dolores Mountain Quilters meeting, 9:30 a.m. social, 10 a.m. meeting, Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. Masks required. Limit 50 people. Guests RSVP: Suzanne, (404) 374-6558 or;
Book Club, 10-11 a.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Details: 882-4127.
Comedy Nights, 7 p.m., Dolores River Brewery, 100 S. Fourth St. $15 presale through, $20 at the door.
Jamie and the Dreamers House, 4 p.m. BOMDIGGITY, 106 W. Grand Ave., All original conscious love music by Jamie & the Dreamers.
Ballroom Dance Lessons, 3-8 p.m., Mancos Community Center, 130 W. Grand Ave.
Brown’s Good Eats, Greek Gyros, Boyle Park, 150 Grand Ave.
Teen Lounge, 4-5:30 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St.
Montezuma County free legal clinic, 2-5 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Sign up at 533-7600.
Veterans Stand Down, 10 a.m. Farmington Civic Center, 200 W. Arrington St. Support for homeless veterans. Details:
Toddler Playdate, 10 a.m.-noon, E3 Children’s Museum, 302 N. Orchard Ave.
Brown Bag Birding, 12-1 p.m., Animas Park off Browning Parkway.
Trivia at Traegers, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Traegers Bar, 5170 College Blvd.
Growers Market, 4-6 p.m., Farmington Museum and Visitor Center, 3041 E. Main St.
Downtown Makers Market, 3-8 p.m., 101 N. Orchard Ave. Details: Visit each event page online or call the organizer.
Thailand Mission Auction and Dinner, 3-7 p.m., 1111 S. Miller Ave. Free silent/live auctions and dinner. American and Asian items for a donation.
Veterans Breakfast, 9 p.m. Si Señor, 4015 E. 30th St. Veterans Collaborative monthly breakfast, all veterans are welcome. Details: