Community Calendar

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Wednesday, March 26

Diane Cherbak will be at the Cortez Cultural Center on March 26 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss Bird's Eye View Sneak Peak at the 10th annual Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival. Free to members, $5 others. Call 565-1151.

One week till deadline for County Fair book cover and poster contest. Participate in a contest to design the fair book cover and poster for the 2014 Montezuma County Fair. Theme: "Rural Roots." Deadline: 4 p.m., April 1, at the Montezuma County Extension Office, 109 W. Main, Room 102, Cortez. Call 970-565-3123.

Thursday, March 27

Watercolor demonstration by artist Jan Wright starting at 2 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at Mancos Public Library. Wright's paintings of Mesa Verde National Park scenes are on display on the art wall through April 3.

The Cortez Public Library offers a Google apps class at 1 p.m. Sign up in advance by stopping by or calling the library at 565-8117.

Saturday, March 29

Stormys and ATC Gymnastics will host the Telluride Team for a free gymnastics demonstration at 11 a.m. at the Cortez Rec Center. All welcome. Call Rayna at 560-3916

Get your fix of country music. Dance with "Country Fix" at The American Legion, 320 N. Harrison, Cortez, at 7 p.m. Cover charge: $5.

A workshop on healing herbs at Dolores Public Library on at 1 p.m. Remedies for common ailments. For information or to sign up for a free session, call 970-882-4127.

Zumba! 8-9 a.m. at Kaleidoscope Wellness, 233 Park Street Mancos. Call 533-1100.

March 29-30

Blue Star Mothers Durango Chapter 1 hosts the 9th Annual Motorcycle Expo & Swap Meet and benefit auction at the La Plata County Fairgrounds in Durango, Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 10-3. Auction is on Sunday at 1 p.m. Food and beverages. Call Todd at 970-799-8881.

Mancos Meditation Group, 8-9 a.m. at Kaleidoscope Wellness, 233 Park St., Mancos. Call 533-1100.

Monday, March 31

Cortez Cultural Center in collaboration with Conservation Colorado's "What does wilderness mean to you?" Youth Poetry Contest. Submission deadline is March 31. Email submissions to or Anne at Poetry reading and awards ceremony with Dave Mason will be April 18 at the Cortez Cultural Center. For submission guidelines or information, call 565-1151.

Through March

Displays at the Cortez Public Library: through March, Linda Geisler with the Southwest Artists League; through mid-April, Dolores Mountain Quilters' works are in the atrium; through April, Addie Dodson's Easter collection and Laura McHenry's vintage tie collection. At 202 N. Park St., Cortez. Call 970-565-8117.

Drop off your working-condition garden tools to support the Cortez Middle School Garden and the Montezuma School to Farm Project. Donation centers include Cliffrose Nursery in Cortez, P&D Grocery in Mancos, and the Dolores Food Market in Dolores. Donate at P&D or Cliffrose and receive a discount.

Tuesday, April 1

The Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeology Society presents Fred Blackburn at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 515 Park St., Cortez, to discuss "Prayer Rock: In the Shadow of the Bear." Prayer Rock was the place of the last great Bernheimer expedition. Blackburn investigated the area for 11 years. Call Kari Schleher, 505-269-4475.

Saturday, April 5

Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance invites you to celebrate its First Birthday on Saturday, April 5, from 3-6 p.m. at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, 23390 Road K, Cortez. Includes: "State of the Alliance," refreshments, silent auction, presentation on Miera y Pacheco: A Renaissance Spaniard in 18th Century New Mexico. Call Diane McBride, 560-1643.

April 3

"Let's Communicate!" is the April theme of Raising Readers Storytime at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., Cortez. On April 3, "Babar, An Old Friend." For preschoolers at 10:30 a.m. Older children are welcome for the craft at 11:15 a.m.

April 7

Montelores Early Childhood Council's monthly luncheon meeting starts at 11:45 a.m. in downstairs meeting room 110 in the Johnson Building, 525 S. Broadway, Cortez. The public is invited. Lunch provided; RSVP to Vangi McCoy at 970-749-7017.

April 10

Raising Readers Storytime at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., Cortez. On April 10, "Signing with Lillian Orbke." For preschoolers at 10:30 a.m. Older children welcome for the craft at 11:15 a.m.

April 12

The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County will hear from Chris Burkett concerning the work of the Montezuma Community Economic Development Association at their breakfast meeting on April 12, at 9 a.m. at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores. Anyone interested in economic development and learning about MCEDA is welcome to attend. Information: Call Eleanor at 564-0708.

Through April

On display at the Cortez Public Library: through mid-April, Dolores Mountain Quilters' works in the atrium; through April, Addie Dodson's Easter collection and Laura McHenry's vintage tie collection. At 202 N. Park St. Call 565-8117.

First and Third Thursdays

Learn signs and nursery rhymes the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Mancos Public Library at 10 a.m. All ages welcome. Call 970-403-9237 for information.

Second Sunday

The Mancos Community Dinners each month at Mt. Lookout Grange in Mancos (680 Grand Ave). Pay-what-you-can dinner, bring a dish if you want. For info, to help out or to make donations, call Gretchen at 509-830-4380.

Second Tuesday

The Mancos Water Conservancy District holds monthly meetings at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at 42599 Road N, off Road 42.

Second Thursday

Republican Women of Montezuma County invite the public to meet at noon at Shiloh's Steakhouse at 5 Veach St., Cortez. Call Rosemarie Beall at 564-1576.

A Free legal self-help clinic for Montezuma County parties without an attorney are held on second Thursdays from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link. First-come, first-served basis.

First and Third Thursdays

Planning committee for the 10th Annual Ute Mountain-Mesa Verde Birding Festival meets at 10 a.m. the first and third Thursdays each month upstairs at the Cortez Cultural Center. Potential volunteers welcome. Call 565-1151.

Last Saturday

Last Saturday of each month Mt. Lookout Grange, 680 W. Grand, Mancos, will have a Yoga Benefit for the Grange, donation only. Bring towel or mat and water. Refrain from eating an hour before.