
Community Calendar

Email announcements to and include "Community Calendar" in the subject field. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published. Entries and the calendar may be edited for length and content.

Thursday, Feb. 26

A presentation about the book "The Wild Wisdom of Weeds" will be at 6:30 p.m. at Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Local author Katrina Blair and artist Jaime Becktel will present a slideshow of 13 essential plants for human survival featured in the book. Blair will share edible treats made from the recipes in the book. Becktel will talk about the drawings for the book.

Friday, Feb. 27

A public screening of the documentary "To Light a Candle" will be held at the Cortez Journal meeting room at 5:30 p.m. with soup and sandwiches. The documentary will be shown at 6:30 p.m., followed by a discussion. Learn about the persecution of Baha'is in Iran that led to an underground university. Free. Info: 970-565-8222.

Saturday, Feb. 28

The Mancos Valley Distillery, 116 N. Main St., enjoy the hard-driving swing and variety of WE-4 with the addition of Mike Bordeman on percussion at the Mancos Valley Distillery, at 7 p.m. $3 cover at the door.

Dinner and A Movie. Learn about permaculture and enjoy a Curry dinner. Dinner service starts at 6 p.m. at Mancos Grange, with movies to follow. Call Kathy at 970-759-2724 for info. $5 donation suggested.

Plant and Animal Adaptations at Mesa Verde National Park, 9 a.m. to noon. Explore how animals and plants survive in winter. Ages 7 to adult. Call 970-529-4631 for reservations. Fee: $10 per vehicle.

Leading Edge Business Management and Planning course, by the Small Business Development Center. Master skills for starting, managing or growing a business. Through April 25 (every other Saturday) 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at the Cortez Welcome Center. To register, call Mary Shepard at 970-247-7009; for details, Cindy Dvergsten or Mike Rich at 970-882-4222.

Today is the deadline to pay the first half of your 2014 property taxes. Postmarks through March 2, 2015, will be accepted. If you have any questions concerning your taxes please call 970-565-7550.

Through February

Oil paintings by Joe Slaughenhoupt, of the Southwest Artists League, are on display during February at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Call 970-565-8117 for more information.

Monday, March 2

The Montelores Early Childhood Council holds its monthly luncheon meeting at 11:45 a.m., in downstairs meeting room 110, in the Johnson Building, 925 South Broadway, in Cortez. The public is invited. Lunch will be provided, so RSVP to Vangi McCoy by calling 970-749-7017.

Tuesday, March 3

The Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen feature a presentation by Sheriff Steve Nowlin titled "Possible Equestrian Opportunities and Emergency Preparedness" at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Rd., in Cortez. Arrive for dinner at 6:15 p.m. or buy your own meal. The presentation is at 7 p.m. Info:

The Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeology Society presents Lillian D. Wakeley at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 515 Park St., Cortez, to discuss the petroglyphs and other features along the San Juan River and geologic processes of the landscape. Call Kari Schleher at 505-269-4475 for info.

Thursday, March 5

Mark Varien, Ph.D., of the Crow Canyon Research Institute, presents a Life-Long Learning Series lecture at Fort Lewis College at 7 p.m. in Noble Hall, Room 130. Varien will talk about the interaction between Puebloans and their environment, and where they went after leaving the area.

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Southwest Colorado Research station, 17 miles north on U.S. 491 and west one-quarter mile on Road Z. Register at the Montezuma extension at 565-3123 or the Dolores County extension at 677-2283. Cost: $15 per person the day of the workshop. Bring your chair, water, snacks and lunch, loppers or hand pruners, and dress warmly. Leave pets at home.

Saturday, March 7

Winter Plant Identification Hike at Mesa Verde National Park, 9 a.m. to noon. Join the San Juan/Four Corners Native Plant Society to learn how to identify plants in winter. Recommended for high school ages to adult. Call 970-882-4647 for reservations. Fee: $10 per vehicle.

Sunday, March 8

J Fargos Grill & Bar hosts a meet-and-greet with bounty hunters Clint Simmons and Dayson Goetz of the Animal Planet show "Rocky Mountain Bounty Hunters." Get autographed pictures, food and selfies and watch a new episode, 6-9 p.m.

Thursday, March 12

A free legal self-help clinic for Montezuma County parties without an attorney are 2-4 p.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link. First-come, first-served.

The Four Corners Back Country Horsemen hold their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the La Plata County Fairgrounds in Durango. Guests are encouraged to attend. TJ Holmes will discuss information on the Spring Creek Basin herd, including photos of the horses, use of PZP for birth control, and bait trapping vs. helicopters for gatherings. Info: 970-749-0316.

"2nd attempt for understanding Islam" is the topic at the "How You Can Be Part of a Christian Community with Integrity and Not Believe All Those Things You Thought You Had to Believe" conversation. Meet at St. Barnabas Church at 6:30 p.m. Questions required. No answers promised. Info: 565-7865.

Saturday, March 21

The Cortez Farmers Market invites vendors to its spring meeting at 2 p.m. at SW Memorial Hospital's Physician Bldg., at 20 S. Market St. The meeting begins at 2 p.m. Topics include a financial and manager's report, a review of 2014 and rules and regulations, and instructions and timelines for vendor applications. Info: Theresa at or (970)565-3123.

Saturday, APril 4

Dinner and A Movie at the Fort Lewis College Vallecita Room. Learn about Permaculture and the abundance it can bring and enjoy a Curry dinner. Dinner service starts at 6 p.m. with movies to follow. Info.: 970-759-2724. A $5 donation is suggested.

Saturday, April 25

Dinner and A Movie at the Sunflower Theatre in Cortez. Learn about Permaculture and the abundance it can bring and enjoy a Curry dinner. Dinner service starts at 6 p.m. with movies to follow. Info.: 970-759-2724. A $5 donation is suggested.

Mondays And Fridays

Cortez Public Library offers one-on-one computer and tech tutoring. Call 970-565-8117 or visit the library, 202 N. Park, to schedule an appointment.

First Monday

Southwest Center for Independence Second Chance Brain Injury group meets at noon at 2409 E. Empire, Cortez. Call Matthew, 570-8001.

First Tuesday

American Legion Ute Mountain Post 75 meets at 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall, 320 N. Harrison St. Call 565-8151.

Dolores Mountain Quilters meets 10 a.m. at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. The March 3 meeting demonstrate two-step binding and disappearing pinwheels. Guests and visitors are welcome. Info: or Judith Swain 970-560-4426.

The Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen meet at the Elks Lodge in Cortez at 6:15 p.m. (except December). Buy a taco or hamburger and drink. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Info:

Second and Fourth Tuesdays

Knitting Club at the Mancos Public Library. Learn to knit, 6-7 p.m. Come to any or all sessions. Free. Teens and adults welcome. Limited knitting needles and yarn are available, so bring your own if possible. To sign up or for information, ?visit or ?call Kathy Graf at 970-565-7600 ext. 206 or email

First Wednesday

Diabetes support group meets 3:30-5 p.m. in the Kiva Room at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Learn to manage diabetes; share ideas. Sessions are free and open to anyone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Contact Laura White, RD, at 564-2276 for details.

First Thursday

Montezuma County Republican Central Committee meets at noon at Shiloh Steakhouse. Email Nicci Crowley at or call 570-9372.

The Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 meets at 7 p.m. at the Post home in Mancos.

First Friday

Caregiver/Advocate support group for caregivers of any person with Alzheimer's, dementia or any chronic illness at noon at Vista Mesa Assisted Living, 1206 N. Mildred, Cortez. Discuss options with other caregivers. Lunch provided. Info: Elaine at the Alzheimer's Assoc., 259-0122

Second Tuesday

The Montezuma County Historical Society Board of Directors meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elks Club and includes a no-host lunch. Anyone interested in area history is welcome.

Second Thursday

Montezuma County Republican Women meet at noon at Shiloh's on Veach and Main St. All are welcome. Info: Rosemarie Beall at 564-1576.

A free legal self-help clinic for Montezuma County parties without an attorney are 2-4 p.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link. First-come, first-served.

Third Saturday

Christian Motorcycle Association - Cortez Chapter holds its 8 a.m. breakfast, 9 a.m. chapter meeting and 10 a.m. ride (weather permitting). At Jack & Janelle's, 801 E. Main St. Call chapter president Steve Reed at 970-565-7233. No motorcycle required.

Third Wednesday

Caregiver/advocate support group for caregivers of any person with Alzheimer's, dementia or any chronic illness at 6 p.m. at the Methodist Church, 515 North Park St. Cortez. Discuss options with other caregivers.

Third Thursday

Adult Computer Classes, 1:30-3 p.m. at Mancos Public Library Community Meeting Room 211, W. First St., Mancos. Call 970-533-7600 to enroll. No charge.

Dolores secondary PTO meets at 3:45 p.m. in Mr. Thurston's office. Email Heather Alvarez at or call Tif at 903-8752.

Third Sunday

The Cortez Fire Protection District holds CPR and First-Aid certification classes at 9 a.m., Station 1, 30 N. Ash St., Cortez. Courses are six to eight hours and include CPR/AED, CPR/AED and First-Aid, Healthcare Provider CPR. Minimum class size is four students. Call 970-565-3157 to register.

Fourth Monday

The Southwest Center for Independence Potluck Lunch Group meets at noon, 2409 E. Empire St., Cortez. Call Matthew, 570-8001.

Fourth Tuesday

4 Corners Republican Women's Club meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elk's Lodge. Info: 565-2197.

Fourth Thursday

Monthly Civil Air Patrol Senior Squadron's monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., First Baptist Church of Mancos, 150 N. Walnut St. Call 970-759-7012.

Every Monday

The Four Corners Community Band meets 7-9 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Cortez at the corner of Market and North Street. New members welcome. Call Fawn at 882-2522 or visit

Every Tuesday

The Dolores Public Library answers technology/software questions about Microsoft Word, email, digital pictures, etc. Free at 2-5 p.m. Call 882-4127.

Every Wednesday

Bible studies at Chapel on the Farm, 6 p.m. 19927 Road 26.2 Loop, Dolores. 903-6153

Every Thursday

Elks Bingo. New hours, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Come eat, play and visit.

Every Friday

Friendship Social Group, 1 p.m. at Beny's Diner, 640 S. Broadway, Cortez. For those looking for support with finding friends and social activities after a loss, or need a break as a caregiver. Sponsored by Hospice of Montezuma.

"Bereavement & Caregiver Support Group, 1 p.m. Hospice of Montezuma. Call Sunny for information and location. 565-4400.