
Common Ground Community Garden opens application for garden plots

Common Ground gardeners Durinda Madison and Ashely Arrelano harvesting zucchini.

The Journal

Common Ground Community Garden at the Cortez Recreation Center has small, medium and large plots available for the 2021 garden season. Plots are filled on a first-come basis.

The community garden supports three gardening initiatives: a community garden, a demonstration garden and a children’s program.

In 2020, both the community and demonstration garden had strong growing seasons. The demonstration garden used fabric-covered low tunnels, allowing caretakers to plant in early April, begin harvesting April 29 and continue to harvest until Oct. 15. More than 330 pounds of organic produce was grown and delivered to the Good Samaritan Food Pantry.

The Children’s Program got off to great start but was suspended because of the pandemic.

For more information or to apply for a plot, visit