Comments sought on restoration project

The Columbine Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest is seeking public comment during the early phases of planning for the Fosset Gulch/Northern HD’s Ecosystem Restoration Project.

The project is designed to restore forest diversity on 13,646 acres of national forest through a combination of mechanical and hand thinning, commercial timber harvest and prescribed fire. Some units may be offered for commercial firewood opportunities and some for biomass to the Pagosa Area Long-term Stewardship Project.

The goal is to reduce the rate of spread and intensity of fire, maintain conditions that support desirable fire behavior, and increase forest and ecosystem diversity and resilience to disturbance.

A document at the website describes the need for the project, details proposed action and provides maps.

To receive more information, to be added to the mailing list or to submit comments by March 10 mail: Craig Sullivan, Forester/Project Leader, P.O. Box 439/367 S. Pearl St., Bayfield, CO 81122, email or call 884-1422.