
Colorado No. 3 in healthy habits

Analysis based smartphone apps
Colorado ranked third in healthy habits, including tracking length, frequency and type of exercise, in a recent study by smartphone apps MyFitnessPal and MapMyFitness. While members may not be tracking their exercise on an app, Upper Pine Fire Protection District added a fitness room to help keep its firefighters and emergency-services personnel fit.

Because Colorado ranks high among states for physical fitness and health, it seems like a no-brainer that it would rank high on healthy habits.

And that’s exactly what two smartphone apps found when they analyzed the 50 states on their metrics.

MyFitnessPal calculated the number of people using its app in each state who: stayed within 10 percent of their daily calories goals; met or exceeded their daily fiber goals; and stayed at or below their daily sugar and sodium goals.

MapMyFitness factored in the length, frequency and type of exercise logged in each state.

Colorado came in third, after California and Arizona. Seven of the top 10 states were in the West.

The states with the unhealthiest habits were Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.

In an interesting twist, West Virginia, which was ranked the most obese state by Better Policies for a Healthy America, was most likely to stick to calorie goals once set.

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