
Colorado Love Outdoor gear store opens on Main Street

Colorado Love Outdoor gear store helps fill out Main Street
Michelle Harrison and Jeff Mobley have opened Colorado Love Outdoors at 28 W. Main St. in downtown Cortez.

A new outdoor gear store has opened in downtown Cortez.

Colorado Love Outdoors sells camping, boating, and hiking gear, plus skateboards and blading equipment.

Owners Jeff Mobley and Michelle Harrison saw a need for locally owned outdoor shop that caters to the recreation crowd and tourists.

Mobley is an experienced boater, and Harrison is an entrepreneur with a business school background.

“We are all about the Colorado lifestyle of outdoor recreation and healthy living,” Harrison said. “We sell the equipment you need, to do what you love.”

The spacious store offers a lot of variety. A “River House” station features tons of boating gear, from dry pants and splash jackets, to PFD’s, pumps, paddles and inflatable kayaks.

Mobley said the goal is to feature products from smaller vendors that have a Colorado connection.

“Our stand-up boards are out of Telluride, our tents are from Big Agnes out of Steamboat,” he said. “We want to keep things local and keep our prices down. We’ve got a lot more stuff coming in.”

The shop also sells yoga apparel, hats, custom T-shirts pressed by Mobley, accessories and local artwork. They like stocking products with a cause, such as footwear from Oboz and Jambu, companies that plant a tree for each shoe purchased.

“There is something for everyone,” Harrison said. “We’re excited to be downtown in the heart of the community.”

Rock-climbing gear will be stocked soon, including ropes, shoes, harnesses and hardware.

“We know our customers, and our market,” Mobley said. “If we don’t have it, we can get it.”

The store plans a grand opening on Feb. 20 featuring live music and store discounts.

Colorado Love Outdoors is at 28 W. Main St. in Cortez. The phone number is 970-564-3299. Their winter hours are Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.