Climate rally was a community success

It takes a community to hold a climate rally – and the Montezuma County community pulled together in style for the Peoples’ Climate Rally and March.

While the Resource & Environmental Advocacy & Protection of Southwest Colorado (REAP) and the Montezuma Alliance for Unity were the co-sponsors, we have many organizations to thank for making this event the success it was.

Gratitude goes out to city of Cortez Parks and Recreation Department, Cliffrose Garden Center & Gifts, Earthworks, The Farm, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Kiva Montessori Upper Elementary School, The Lindells, Mancos Blues Ensemble, Mesa Elementary School and Katie Lein’s first grade class, Montezuma County Democrats, Montezuma County Democratic Women, Once Upon a Sandwich, Osprey Packs, and SunSpirit Retreat.

The individuals who gave generously of time, talent and funds are too many to list, but we are thanking them as a group here!

This spirit of cooperation is what we need if we are to give climate disruption the attention and action it needs. If you are thinking about becoming more involved for climate action and climate justice, please consider joining us at our REAP meetings.

We meet the third Tuesday of the month at First United Methodist Church in Cortez. Meetings start at 5:30 p.m.

Hope to see you there!

Heidi N. Brugger


Jun 26, 2017
Great Old Broads happy to be in Cortez