Climate concerns do cross party lines

In late March, CBS This Morning featured a discussion with Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) concerning a Republican resolution to commit to working on economically viable solutions that address the risks of climate change. Rep. Curbelo also sent a letter to Scott Pruitt, head of the EPA, challenging Pruitt’s statements questioning the effect of carbon dioxide on the climate.

Rep. Cubelo is from south Florida, where rising sea levels and coral bleaching are impacting his area. Perhaps Rep. Tipton could join the Climate Solutions Caucus along with Rep. Curbelo and help protect Colorado from the increasing effects of climate change in our state.

Colorado has been subject to more rapid snowmelt, longer and more severe droughts and more frequent wildfires, all of which have economic impacts, especially on agriculture and tourism.

Renewable energy is a growth industry we can support that will help with climate change. A recent article on clean energy jobs (Herald, Feb. 1) noted that 62,000 people worked in the clean energy industry in Colorado in 2015. Since the House has passed the AHCA and moved on from health care, action on climate change, such as the carbon dividend plan suggested by the Republican Leadership Council (including statesmen such as James Baker, George Schultz and Henry Paulson Jr.), should be next on their list.

A carbon dividend plan would tax carbon dioxide emissions at the source and return those taxes directly back to the American public (see Rep. Tipton, please represent Coloradans’ concern about climate change in Washington.

Janet Dahlquist


Jun 5, 2017
Wildfire threat multiplied by climate
Mar 2, 2017
The BLM scoping meeting was a sham
Feb 9, 2017
Pruitt unqualified to be head of EPA
Feb 6, 2017
Time for Tipton to act on climate change