
City of Cortez holds housing policy open house

A new housing project in Cortez seeks public feedback
Information stations at Housing Policy open house. People were able to leave comments at each station. (Shylee Graf/The Journal)

The city of Cortez held three housing policy open house sessions this week to share information with the public, as well as gauge public opinion on proposed policies.

At the sessions, four stations were set up to display information about the housing plans and policies for the city of Cortez. The stations covered information like the housing action plan, the statistics found by the housing needs assessment, drafted housing goals for the community and policies under consideration.

Policies being considered include education and outreach, partnerships with “local government, community organizations, and housing stakeholders,” housing rehabilitation, inventory of vacant land, and more, according to the information listed at the open house sessions.

Each station offered opportunities for the public to share their comments or concerns about the information being presented. Various comments were left on the boards from previous sessions, and a survey was available for participants to share their thoughts in a quieter manner.

Sarah McClain, founder of Western Spaces, hosted the event in collaboration with the city of Cortez. She estimated that 15 people attended the first session on Monday, some of whom were members of the housing committee.

About five people attended the session on Monday evening, and one on Tuesday.

McClain said that there will be a joint meeting with Planning and Zoning and City Council to discuss the housing plan and prioritize the policies under consideration. The meeting at City Hall at 6 p.m. Tuesday will be posted on Youtube.

The information will be posted on the city’s website under the land use code and housing Policy Update page.