
CDOT construction planned for Colorado Highway 184

No road closures expected
The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin a culvert repair project at five locations on Colorado Highway 184 between Mancos and Dolores. The work is scheduled to take place over 1½ months, Oct. 15 through November.

The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin a construction project at five locations along Colorado State Highway 184 between Dolores and Mancos starting Thursday, Oct. 15.

The project is part of a statewide effort to repair culverts, or structures that allow water to flow under a road or trail from one side to the other.

The five sites for culvert repair span along 3 miles on Colorado Highway 184, starting 2 miles east of the intersection of Colorado State Highway 184 and Colorado State Highway 145:

Highway 184, mile point 11.73Highway 184, mile point 12.29Highway 184, mile point 12.57Highway 184, mile point 12.83Highway 184, mile point 14.01Work on the culverts will take place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., and may include some Saturdays.

Lisa Schwantes, spokeswoman for CDOT, said culvert sites will most likely be repaired one at a time, instead of all at once.

“Culverts are continually inspected on five- and 10-year intervals with CDOT,” Schwantes said, and the bridge and culvert team gives recommendations on when the structures need repair.

Construction workers will line the insides of the concrete pipes that funnel the water below the highway with a high-strength mortar. This method of repair eliminates the need for CDOT to dig up the roadway and replace the culvert completely.

Most of the work will not occur in the roadway, but drivers should watch for signs for reduced speed, construction workers, heavy equipment and temporary shoulder closures, Schwantes said.

“Folks may see occasional traffic delays and periodic stops,” she said. “Just slow down.”

The project is expected to continue through the end of November. Highway contractor American West Construction LLC has been hired to carry out the construction.