Carrie Freeman receives Global Impact Award

Carrie Freeman
Montezuma-Cortez graduate receives award

Young Presidents’ Organization announced Carrie Freeman, Co-CEO of SecondMuse, as the recipient of the organization’s Global Impact Award. Freeman is a 1993 graduate of Montezuma-Cortez High School.

The award recognizes members’ impact outside of YPO, celebrating CEO impact that is both sustainable and scalable.

Freeman is at the helm of SecondMuse, an impact and innovation company that builds resilient economies by supporting entrepreneurs and the ecosystems around them by designing, developing and implementing a mix of innovation programming and investing capital.

SecondMuse has prototyped more than 30,000 solutions with 200,000 participants, which has created $10 billion in positive social impact. The majority of the companies Freeman and SecondMuse work with are led by women or people of color, and 80% are still in business.

In July, Freeman will participate in Fortune Connect’s July Quarterly Summit, speaking on a panel about impact and business with a purpose.

Carrie was selected from 14 honorees representing each of YPO’s regions.