
‘Carpenter should be fostered, protected’

Issuing an industrial rezoning for the logging operation at the west entrance to Carpenter Natural Area in Cortez goes against everything the city has previously done for its park system and citizens.

The Carpenter Natural Area is used by school classes, older couples, runners, birders, strollers, visitors, hospital employees, etc. It is an amazing part of the Cortez park system, speaks very highly for the city of Cortez, and it should be fostered and protected.

The logging operation significantly deteriorates the views from and quiet of Carpenter. Dust and exhaust from the diesel trucks will blow over the Carpenter area, and will also bother the neighbors above the logging operation.

Traffic on the approach to the western side of Carpenter will be increased and that traffic will be heavy machinery making the roads more dangerous.

The logging operation will significantly reduce the property value of the homes above the logging area. The owners bought those homes knowing about the commercial classification of the area. If the city allows that classification to change to industrial, that will indicate that no one should believe the city classifications.

Cortez exists for its citizens. The city government should be doing everything it can to make Cortez a wonderful place to live. Cortez has an amazing park system, a great recreation center, a new high school, etc. We should not allow heavy industrial development right next to our parks and homes.

Al Schneider
