
Calling all volunteer bell ringers

I am reaching out in hopes of getting more help for the tough times.

All funds collected by The Salvation Army stay local. This year, these funds are greatly needed more than ever before. Last year, due to some bad publicity, we fell short of the funds needed to provide emergency services in our community. Because of this, people in need were turned away as we did not have the funds to provide the assistance needed. Our local unit helps those in need without discrimination and will continue to do so.

The bell ringing will start on Friday, then every Thursday through Sunday, and the entire week before Christmas. Bell ringing will happen at both doors at City Market and Walmart. The first starts at 10 a.m. and ends between 4 and 5 pm. One-hour shifts are also possible.

Kids love to ring the bell. Singing, music and/or costumes are welcome, and always enjoyed by all. Please call 970.565.2418 if you would like to volunteer.

Thank you in advance for your help and support.

Fran Ledford
