Burglar gets 3 years in prison

Judge rejects leniency, citing woman’s record

A burglar was sentenced to the Colorado Department of Corrections by District Court Judge Todd Plewe on Monday, Nov. 24.

Jessica Olson, 27, was sentenced to three years, minus 114 days already served, for her part in a botched burglary on March 14 on County Road 33.

Public defender Amy Smith asked for leniency, saying that Olson didn’t have addiction rehab during a previous sentence. “Warehousing her in prison will only increase the chance of recidivism,” she said.

Victim Kathleen Clark testified at the sentencing about the impact the robbery had on her life.

“I had to take out a loan to fix it all,” Clark said. “You turned my life upside down. On video of the robbery, you’re having a great time destroying my house.”

Olson’s partner in the crime, Gary Soza, 38, was granted a deferred judgement last month after pleading guilty to the burglary.

District Attorney Will Furse supported Olson’s longer prison sentence and said she had opportunities for help while in jail, but never took advantage of them.

“It is sad, but it seems like when she is not in jail, she is re-offending,” Furse said.

The burglars smashed a window to enter the home. Olson was accused of stealing eight antique Kachina dolls valued at $4,000, an air compressor, greenhouse, turkey cooker, necklace and Blu-ray player.

Plewe rejected pleas for leniency, citing Olson’s criminal record, which includes check forgery.

“It is time for you to go away for a while,” Plewe said. “Otherwise, crimes will continue to be committed.”
