U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s recent comment, featuring the separation of church and state as junk, is astounding! Doesn’t she realize that women struggled over a century for suffrage? That women were not equal before the law. In fact, even female members of Congress were not allowed to wear a professional pantsuit until recently. Rape victims were blamed instead of the perpetrator. Women were treated as inferior, even by the military.
Obviously, Boebert wants her denomination to set laws, policies and rules. In most of the world, women are still oppressed. Many must wear burqas in public. Female circumcision still occurs. Women may not have the right to vote or hold any position of authority. Women can be legally murdered by family members.
How many religious leaders are female? Most religions have male leaders and have had male religious leaders who throughout recorded history oppressed women – and even persecuted women – for the rights illustrated in our Bill of Rights. Were the Salem witches really followers of Satan? Was Joan of Arc a threat to male supremacy?
Please neighbors, vote for anybody else besides Lauren Opal Boebert in November. She is a threat to everyone’s civil liberties!
Joe Hubbard
Aztec, New Mexico