
‘Boebert darling of Russian state TV’

I read recently that our illustrious 3rd Congressional District Rep. Lauren Boebert is now the darling of Russian state TV that has hailed her as “brave” for ignoring Ukrainian President Zelensky’s speech to Congress while she and her buddy, Matt Gaetz sat together, scrolling through their cell phones

I'm so very happy she is lauded in the Russian media for her complete disrespect of a leader who is working desperately to save his democratic country of Ukraine from Vladimir Putin's authoritarian and criminal aggression.

Boebert continues to show her complete disdain for democracy both here and abroad by her continued rhetoric, and sidling up to the ilk of Donald Trump and his friends.

Maybe she'll get an all-expense paid trip to Russia from Putin to get a big hug and see first hand how she seemingly wants to see America. I am amazed that the people of this district re-elected this person who is doing her best to take away our freedoms and democratic way of life that this country was founded on.

Ed Lehner
