
BLM Tres Rios Field Office lifts Stage 1 fire restrictions

Day use-only areas remain under restrictions

Current Stage I Fire Restrictions will be lifted on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management in the Tres Rios Field Office and Canyons of the Ancients National Monument effective at 12:01 a.m. Saturday.

Recent rains over much of the region have lessened, but not eliminated, the danger from fire, allowing restrictions to be lifted. The public is advised to be cautious with activities that could potentially ignite a fire.

Day use-only areas near Durango are still restricted from overnight camping and campfires in order to reduce fire risk. These restrictions will remain in place until rescinded or on Dec. 31, whichever occurs first.

Fire officials remind visitors to practice these principles of outdoor fire safety:

  • Clear all flammable material within 3 feet of campfire rings.
  • Make a fire only if there is enough water and a shovel to put it out.
  • Never leave a fire unattended and keep fires small and manageable.
  • Extinguish fires completely. If it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave.
  • Avoid parking or idle vehicles in tall dry grass where the heat from the vehicle can spark a wildfire.
  • Secure chains from vehicles or towed trailers so they do not drag and cause a wildfire.
  • Fireworks are never allowed on federally managed lands.

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