
BLM seeks help in case of stolen fence in Canyons of Ancients

An installed fence was stolen from this area of Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. It was part of the reclamation of an oil and gas pad. (Courtesy of Bureau of Land Management)
Fence ripped from the ground on national monument; was installed to reclaim an oil and gas well pad

An entire fence that enclosed a reclaimed oil and gas well pad on Canyons of the Ancients National Monument has been reported stolen.

The Bureau of Land Management is seeking the public’s help with any information regarding the missing fence, said BLM Ranger Tyler Fouss.

The installed fence, valued at $3,700, was removed from a remote area of the monument in Rincon Canyon, south of County Road G near the Utah border.

Taken were 80 T-posts, and four 1,300-foot strands of wire. It was reported missing by the contractor in October, and is suspected to have been stolen in the fall or summer. The H-braces were left in place.

Fencing installed to reclaim and oil and gas well pad on Canyons of the Ancients was reported stolen. (Courtesy of Bureau of Land Management)

The fence was part of the reclamation process for a well pad. It prevented cattle from entering the area in order to allow the vegetation to reestablish.

Fouss said the case has been investigated, but there are no leads. It was posted on the monument’s Facebook page to try to generate tips.

“In my career I’ve seen gates stolen, but never an entire fence,” he said.

The remote area of the monument is not visited too often, except for cattle ranchers. The fence was private property tied the oil and gas company’s reclamation efforts.

Those who have any information that may lead to the recovery of this fence should contact the Tres Rios Field Office or the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Law Enforcement Tip line at (833) 660-5771, or by email at

Tipsters remain anonymous.