
BLM provides update on West Dolores Rim prescribed burns

A file photo of a prescribed burn in the Haycamp Mesa area outside Dolores.

The Journal

BLM Tres Rios Field Office will conduct prescribed burns beginning April 16 or when conditions allow. Several burns will be conducted to treat up to 2,685 acres of Gambel oak, pinyon pine, juniper and ponderosa pine within the West Dolores Rim Project Area located about seven miles east of Dove Creek and locally referred to as the “East and North Pines.”

The planned burns are part of a larger 15,000-acre project.

While no road closures are expected during the project, camping near the units is discouraged due to increased traffic and likelihood of smoke in the area, particularly at night. Multiple days of burning may occur throughout the spring into summer and then again in the late summer into fall, as fuel conditions and weather permit. Project areas will be monitored once completed to ensure public safety.

While smoke may be visible in the area at times, most of the smoke will lift and dissipate during the warmest parts of the day. Expect visible smoke in the area for several days after each burn is completed as vegetation in the interior continues to smolder.

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