Bill would ‘protect precious water resources’

I started High Desert Life Outdoors in Cortez to showcase our state’s outdoor lifestyle – providing gear and equipment to folks who love to camp, boat and hike, and featuring products from manufacturers right here in Colorado.

Our great outdoors are critical to the strength of our state’s economy. We need to protect Colorado’s outdoor way of life now under threat because of a recent decision by the Supreme Court that removed decades of protections for wetlands and critical waterways.

Wetlands play a crucial role in supporting outdoor recreation, healthy living and the overall well-being of our communities. Colorado’s wetlands and streams provide essential habitat for diverse wildlife, including fish, birds and other species that enrich our outdoor experiences. They also act as natural filters, purifying water for drinking and recreational use.

Fortunately, Colorado leaders House Speaker Rep. Julie McCluskie, Sen. Dylan Roberts and Rep. Karen McCormick have introduced a bill to protect our wetlands from pollution, and being filled in by over-development. This legislation ensures clean drinking water and benefits our local economies – contributing to the vibrancy of our communities.

As an avid outdoors enthusiast and small business owner deeply connected to Colorado’s natural beauty, I urge the General Assembly to protect our state’s precious water resources for current and future generations.

If you value Colorado’s outdoor environment, enjoy recreating in our rivers and forests, or simply enjoy accessing clean drinking water, I encourage you to contact legislators and tell them to support House Bill 24-1379.

Jeff Mobley
