
Bennet secures nearly $74 million for projects across Colorado

Montezuma County, Dolores and Towaoc will receive funding
U.S. Capitol building in Washington.

The office of Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., announced July 31 that he has secured $74 million for 78 Colorado projects, including $2.8 million for projects in Montezuma County and Towaoc.

Bennet’s requests for these projects were connected with different appropriation bills, including housing and transportation, commerce and justice, interior and environment, and labor and education, according to Bennet’s website.

The funds came from the congressionally directed spending process, known as earmarks, attached to various appropriations bills for fiscal year 2024.

The bills Bennet earmarked have passed the Senate Appropriations Committee, and are expected to be voted on in the full Senate by the end of the year.

“In total, this year’s Senate appropriations bills included $79.3 million in funding for projects across the state,” the news release said.

In Towaoc, $2 million would go toward the Moguan Aftercare Housing Facility. In Montezuma County, $50,000 would go toward Southwest Colorado police and emergency communications. The town of Dolores would receive $750,000 for the second phase of the water distribution system replacement. Sen. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., also requested funding for each of the projects.

The funding also would go toward statewide projects. County sheriffs would receive $917,000 for rural impact programs. In an effort to grow the state’s construction and service workforce, nearly $1.9 million would be given to the Western States College of Construction. Another $750,000 would be put toward battling human trafficking by providing training and technical assistance for those efforts.

“From building water infrastructure to increasing access to mental and rural health care, these projects will help Coloradans meet the needs of their communities,” said Bennet. “I’ll do everything I can to pass these bills and get this funding across the finish line.”

The bills have not passed the full Senate.