
Atmos Energy observes 811 Day

Atmos reminds everyone to call 811 three business days before starting a digging project
Atmos Energy reminds everyone to call 811 before digging. Atmos Energy

Atmos Energy observes 811 Day every year on Aug. 11. The observance serves as a reminder to everyone to practice safe digging, and call 811 before starting an excavation project.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration leads the initiative.

State law requires everyone to call the nationwide toll-free number 811 three days before digging. Callers are then connected to a local call center, which notifies utility companies of intent to dig. Professional locaters mark locations of underground utilities to avoid damage to the lines.

“The safety of customers, employees and our communities is our highest priority, and that includes following safe digging practices any time of year,” said Jennifer Ries, vice president of Pipeline Safety.

Hitting lines can cause injury, outages, repair costs, and even fines. Even small digging projects, like mailbox installation or tree planting, warrant a call to 811. Line depth can vary due to erosion, uneven terrain, or impacts from previous digging. It is important to get lines marked for each new project.

For more information, visit Colorado 811 or Atmos Energy’s website for safety tips.