‘AstroFriday’ set for San Juan College planetarium May 3

A large sunspot was the source of a powerful solar flare (an X 9.3) and a coronal mass ejection (Sept. 6, 2017). The flare was the largest solar flare of the decade. (Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA.)

The San Juan College Planetarium’s AstroFriday presentation for Friday, May 3, is titled “Solar Quest.” Free spring sky maps will be available to attendees while supplies last.

Two show times will be available at 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. with the possibility, weather permitting, of a noncapacity outdoor one-hour stargaze with telescopes at 9:30 p.m., in the courtyard outside of the Planetarium after the last showing.

There is no fee to attend the events, and seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the planetarium. To preserve spectators’ visual adaptation to the darkness, there is no late admittance into the planetarium.

Information detailing the role of the Solar Dynamic Observatory will be shared, specifically how scientists use the observatory to identify and predict severe space weather. A short sky show, an overview of the Sun-Earth environment, the impacts that space weather may have on Earth, the magnetic field’s protection of all life on the planet, as well as information about solar phenomena such as fusion, light energy and solar surface features will be discussed during the event.

The Planetarium schedule and information is accessible online at sanjuancollege.edu/planetarium and on the Planetarium Facebook page at facebook.com/sanjuancollegeplanetarium.

For more information, call David Mayeux at (505) 566-3361 or email mayeuxd@sanjuancollege.edu.