Ascent means ‘more choice’

Hundreds of families are eagerly anticipating the fall 2023 opening of Ascent Classical Academy of Durango. I have met so many people through my work toward the opening of this school. It has been a great way to meet other families who value the same things my family does in education: history, language arts, mathematics and science, plus the values of character the school teaches of courage, moderation, justice, responsibility, prudence and friendship.

Those who are actively working against ACAD, I ask why? Why the negativity? If you have children, please educate them as you see fit. Those of us who are fortunate to home-school do so for many various reasons. Many home-schoolers will attend ACAD, many will stay with home schooling. The important thing is that we have the choice. More choice for different learning styles enriches our community with diversity.

Those who oppose the opening of Ascent say we have enough choices. I believe that every charter school and private school in Durango currently has a waiting list. That to me says that no, we do not have enough choices. We have room for another school and we want that school to be ACAD. Please voice your demand for Ascent Durango's opening. You must sign up ahead of time at the 9-R website, Tell your school board to vote yes, approve Ascent.

Kristen Mischker
