
Archery elk licenses now limited in Southwest Colorado

In this file photo, Virginia hunters Mike Shreckhise, Steve Shreckhise, Alex Ribelin, Michael Shreckhise and Rick Morris rearrange elk racks after a successful archery hunt in the San Juan Mountains.

The Journal

Archery hunters in Southwest Colorado are now required to apply through the Colorado Parks and Wildlife limited licensing program to obtain a license for elk hunting.

The new requirement applies to Game Management Units 70-75, 77-78, 711, 741, 751 and 771. The change was made because of concerns about the declining elk population and concerns by the hunting public that there were too many bowhunters in the field.

Archery hunters will apply to hunt in a specific GMU or group of GMUs. Archery licenses will now be broken down into unit specific limited bull, cow and private-land-only either-sex licenses.

The deadline to submit an application is April 7. All hunters may start submitting applications March 1 through the CPW website.

A public meeting to discuss elk herd management in the Durango area is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday at La Plata County Fairgrounds, 2500 Main Ave.

Those who cannot attend the meeting may take an online survey by Feb. 25 at

Feb 14, 2020
How to help elk herds? Limit out-of-state hunters, kill more predators, some say