
Annual youth golf clinic takes place at Conquistador

More than 50 young golfers participate in instructional event
Ashley Wood chips a BirdieBall during the junior golf camp sponsored by the city of Cortez Recreation Department.

Carrying golf bags, golf clubs and million dollar smiles, youth golfers descended upon Conquistador Golf Course earlier this week for an annual youth golf clinic.

Held June 2-6, the clinic aimed to help participants hone their swings, while simultaneously teaching the rules of golf and life values.

Run by Micah Rudosky, Jeff Carr and several current and former college and high school players, the camp featured top-notch instruction in all facets of the game.

Clearly enjoying the clinic, young golfers chatted amongst one another while practicing.

After hitting a perfect chip, 11-year-old Justin Brunner celebrated before stepping aside to discuss what he enjoys about the game.

“I like golf because all the components have to come together to have a good game,” said Brunner. “I enjoy learning all the different things that they’ve been teaching us.”

While the fundamentals of golf certainly made up one part of the lessons taught, life lessons also took center stage at the four-day clinic.

“We try to teach the kids values,” said Rudosky. “Each time (they play), we have a core value that we word towards. I think it has been a great addition to our program.”

According to Rudosky, those attending the clinic showed great promise, thus suggesting golf’s future in the Cortez area will be a bright one.

“We learned a lot of new things,” said 12-year-old Jada Brace. “We went to the chipping range and we did some driving. I’ve had a fun time.”