Animas High School warns of hand, foot and mouth disease

Source of outbreak is unknown

Animas High School is warning students and parents of a case of hand, foot and mouth disease among the student body.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a contagious illness caused by different viruses but is usually not serious, and nearly all people recover in seven to 10 days without medical treatment, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease include: fever, sore throat, mouth sores and blisters on hands, feet and other areas.

It is unknown where the student contracted the disease, said Animas Head of School Sean Woytek.

The disease is spread through coughing, sneezing, contact with fecal matter, contact with blister fluid and touching objects or surfaces that have the virus on them, according to the CDC.

It is also spread through close contact, such as kissing, hugging or sharing cups and eating utensils.

The school notifies parents and guardians about contagious diseases among the student body to remind teenagers to take steps to stay healthy, Woytek said.

“It’s not as big a deal with older students because, hopefully, they are washing their hands,” he said.

The school will also be washing sinks and water fountains more often to help prevent the spread of disease, he said.

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