
Angel Trees brighten holidays for kids in Cortez area

Members of The Journal staff: stand 'round the office Angel Tree. Clockwise from left: Tamara Desrosiers, Kirby Earl, Joe Nelson and Cameryn Cass.
The Piñon Project’s program to buy gifts for children is back

Around Cortez and Dolores, more than 20 businesses are participating in a Piñon Project program that ensures children have gifts to open when the holidays come around.

It’s the Christmas for Kids Angel Trees.

They’re decorated with slips of paper that detail a child’s wish list and include pertinent information about them for gift buying, like their age, shoe and clothing sizes and even their favorite color.

The Angel Trees are all over town. You can find them everywhere from Osprey to Cortez Police dispatch to WildEdge Brewing Collective to Denny’s to The Journal, and the list goes on.

In Dolores, the Dolores Bike Hostel has a tree up and so does the Dolores River Brewery.

“It’s the community,” said Kerri Beattie, a supervisor at The Piñon Project. “We’re just the conductors of an amazing community train that makes Christmas great.”

Gifts should be unwrapped and returned to the Piñon Project at 210 E. Main St. in Cortez with the angel tag by Dec. 16.

For more information or to learn more about other opportunities to get involved and help folks in need, contact The Piñon Project at (970) 564-3817 or visit their website at