
Amy Huckins steps down from City Council position

Council to appoint new member to fill vacancy until next year’s elections

Cortez City Council member Amy Huckins has stepped down from her position with the city’s governing body.

Huckins was elected to the seat in April 2020.

“It is with regret that I tender my resignation from this elected position,” Huckins wrote in a letter. “This past year has been difficult in so many ways, and I have given this position all that I can give. It is time to focus on my own health and well being, as well as the health of my growing family. I am grateful for having the opportunity to serve this community as a city council member for the last year. The position required many hours of learning, listening, and engaging aside from what the bi-monthly meetings needed. I enjoyed these expectations immensely as I always strive to be well informed and to make informed decisions for the betterment of our city. My intention is to find a place within our community that I can use these attributes and also feel safe. I would like Cortez to be a community that welcomes diversity and for all to be safe.”

Mayor Mike Lavey told The Journal that Huckins was punctual and quick to take on responsibilities during her time at City Council.

“She’s really been an asset to the council,” Lavey said. “It’s sad to see her go. Basically she wanted to spend more time at home with her family.”

Council is now taking applications to fill the vacancy until next April’s municipal elections.

Applicants must be an American citizen, at least 21 years old and have been a resident of Cortez for at least one year.

“We’re looking for someone like Amy who’s willing to work for the betterment of the city and have the city’s interests at heart in order to improve the quality of life in Cortez,” Lavey said.