American Red Cross offers back-to-school safety tips

A pedestrian crosses Main Street in downtown Cortez. State law requires cars stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. (Journal file photo)
Students and motorists are advised to use caution

The American Red Cross offers safety tips for students, parents and motorists to help ensure students stay safe while traveling to and from school, no matter the transportation method.

For new or young students, the Red Cross advises parents to teach their children their phone numbers, addresses and how to contact their guardians and trusted adults at work. Teaching children to never go with a stranger is also advised.

If a student walks to school, teach them to use the sidewalk, or walk facing traffic if no sidewalk is available, says the Red Cross. Children are encouraged to look both ways before crossing a street and to obey traffic laws.

Students who ride a bus are encouraged to arrive early at their stop and wait away from the curb. Bus drivers must come to a full stop before students are allowed to board. Students are advised to stay in full view of the bus driver and to never walk behind the bus.

Students riding a bike are advised to wear a helmet and ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic.

Seat belts are required by law. The Red Cross reminds parents that car seats or boosters should be used until the seat belt fits a child properly, usually when they are over 4 feet, 9 inches tall or 8 to 12 years old. The Red Cross recommends that they ride in the back seat until at least age 13.

With teenagers driving to school, encourage them to not use cellphones or eat or drink while driving. The Red Cross again reminds students and parents to buckle up.

For those participating in sports, the Red Cross reminds athletes to wear correct protective gear, to warm up and cool down, to watch out for each other, and know where the first-aid kit is located.

The Red Cross has a free, downloadable app that provides first-aid tips in common emergencies and offers real-time weather alerts. Search for the American Red Cross on app stores, or visit

As students go back to school and use various methods of transportation, motorists are encouraged to follow traffic laws by slowing down in school zones and stopping when buses are flashing and have the stop arm extended.