
‘Agriculture must be nimble’

A recent letter criticizing state Rep. Barbara McLachlan’s record concerning agriculture didn’t tell the whole story. It focused on her support for SB21-087, which the letter writer said caused harm to the agricultural community. The letter didn’t say that the bill protected basic rights of agricultural workers, such as ensuring these workers were paid the minimum wage, had lunch and rest breaks that other Colorado workers have access to, could collectively bargain, and could not be retaliated against if they raised workplace issues.

These workers are also part of the agricultural community. Responsible farmers and ranchers already treat their employees fairly. This law helps ensure that all do.

The description of McLachlan was incomplete in other ways. She works to understand the complicated nature of agriculture in our part of the country and has backed measures intended to support farmers and ranchers in this challenging economy. These include the Colorado Water Plan, the ACRE3 Project, the Agriculture Future Loan Program and other initiatives.

McLachlan understands that the agricultural industry must be nimble in dealing with sustained drought, new technologies and changing markets. She has proven that she listens and is willing to work with all of the agricultural community to meet these challenges. Please vote for Barbara McLachlan for another term as our state representative.

Ed Cash
