
Adult dental care grows

County health department details access

An expansion in Medicaid benefits means local low-income adults ages 21 and over will have improved access to dental care at the Montezuma County health department.

County Health Director Bobbi Lock said “limited services” are available for adult Medicaid members who want to see health department dentist Dr. Joe Baumgart.

“Our dentist can handle teeth cleanings, fillings and diagnose problems,” she said.

Anything more serious would require appointments in Durango or elsewhere, from doctors taking Medicaid patients. Local dentists have not been accepting Medicaid patients, Lock said.

The department purchased a $15,000 digital X-ray machine to accommodate the additional patients. Grants help pay for the service, which breaks even.

The county is applying for a $180,000 grant from the Colorado Health Foundation to assist with the expanded county dental services for the next three years.

Locke said that when routine teeth care is dropped due to income stress, problems build up.

“Healthy teeth is a first step towards better health,” Lock said. “Dental care is a needed service for our population.”

The dental service costs are covered for Medicaid members up to a certain amount. Appointments are only available on Thursdays and Fridays. For more information call (970) 565-3056.

The expanded Medicaid services for adult dental care is a result of the Affordable Care Act. It is expected to bring some kind of dental coverage to 17.7 million low-income adults by 2018.

In Colorado, 300,000 adults qualify for Medicaid.