Over the last few months – years – school shootings have increased. As I understood one newscaster, this year alone there have been more than 100 to date.
While several things are commonly discussed in all these events, mental heath of the perpetrator, type of weapons, etc., one topic is usually mentioned but not discussed in depth – the security measures necessary to protect our greatest resource, the children who attend these schools.
We do not need school resource officers. We need professionals trained to protect facilities and the occupants. There needs to be metal detectors, indoor patrols, perimeter patrols and outside security.
Open campuses should become closed campuses with all students staying on-site, no coming and going to off-campus lunches.
Providing this security is the duty and obligation of the local school board, not local law enforcement.
Adequate security is prevention. Prevention works more thoroughly than reaction and response.
Mike Green