
Acrobats perform Saturday in Cortez

A world-famous troupe will visit Cortez when the Golden Dragon Acrobats take the stage at the Cortez Middle School Auditorium on Saturday, May 3, at 7 p.m. to present the fourth and final concert of the season for SouthWest Colorado Concerts.

The 26-member Golden Dragon Acrobats represent a time-honored tradition that began more than 25 centuries ago and are considered the premier Chinese acrobatic touring company of today.

The reputation of the company is rooted in a commitment to the highest attention to artistic details. Impresario Danny Chang and choreographer Angela Chang combine award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, spectacular costumes, ancient and contemporary music and theatrical techniques to present a show of skill and beauty.

Doors open for season ticket holders at 6 p.m. Single concert tickets will go on sale at the door starting at 6:30 p.m., $20 for adults and $5 for youth 18 years old and under. For more information contact Paul Bostrom at 970-565-9127 or Lindsay Havran at 970-565-7676.