‘Achieve promise our founders envisioned’

The League of Women Voters of Montezuma County recently hosted the screening of the documentary, “Undivide Us,” which “challenges the idea that citizens who disagree are not capable of civil conversation and demonstrates the truth that, even in our differences, the American experiment is still alive and well.”

Screenings were hosted at all three of our county libraries on the evening of Primary Election Day. We had 100 people who attended and most stayed to discuss what they learned and how they felt about the divisiveness we’re seeing in America today.

On behalf of the League and our partners for this program, thank you to those who took time to attend this event. America was created as a grand experiment in democracy almost 250 years ago. We are not a perfect nation, but we have evolved over the years and constantly strive – sometimes more successfully than others – to achieve the promise our founders envisioned for this nation.

Even with our imperfections, people continue to seek to come to this country to pursue the American Dream.

Each of us can do our part to preserve our democracy by seeking out trusted sources of factual information about candidates and issues, talking respectfully with our neighbors to learn various perspectives, then by participating in the democratic process by voting.

Karen Sheek
