
‘A smear ad campaign against Boebert’

Progressive dark money PAC is at it again. Rocky Mountain Values is running a smear ad campaign against Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. The ad accuses the congresswoman of voting against lowering the costs of insulin and supporting big drug pharma.

Can we set the record straight?

One of the bills referenced in this ad is the Inflation Reduction Act, which Boebert absolutely and proudly voted against. The bill was jam-packed with Green New Deal-like components and did nothing to actually reduce inflation. The bill has hurt America’s economy, and has done nothing to stop rising costs and rates that harm Americans.

The second bill referenced, the Affordable Insulin Now Act (H.R. 6833). The bill imposes government-mandated prices, shifts costs to patients and will not lower drug costs. Analysis provided by ERISA Industry Committee, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing employers in the U.S. says the bill would have added an additional $11 billion to our debt without any way of paying it off.

Also, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office scored it as likely to drive up the cost of health care premiums for all Americans.

Rocky Mountain Values along with Courage for America and Welcome PAC are dark money PACs, working either through donations or attack ads to discredit Boebert.

Gerry Cuca
