A one-act weekend

Cortez student-playwrights take stage tonight, Saturday with their takes on classic themes

Sometime in the late 1500s, a crowd witnessed the first enactment of the first play written by an unknown playwright, William Shakespeare. Everyone knows what came next for the world’s most famous playwright.

Now, more than 400 years after Shakespeare’s debut, three local playwrights are preparing a similar foray into the theater world.

Unknown by the masses, the three students promise to thrill.

And those lucky enough to attend, might end up witnessing the next Shakespeare in action.

Below is a brief overview of this weekend’s productions, which will be shown at Montezuma-Cortez High School on Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. and on Feb. 1 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

‘Red Riding Hood’ by Kaylee Brinkerhoff

Written and directed by Montezuma-Cortez High School student Kaylee Brinkerhoff, Red Riding Hood is a one-act play based on the classic story of a girl, a picnic basket and a trip to Grandmother’s house.

Full of unexpected twists and comedic elements, Brinkerhoff’s take on the timeless classic promises to keep audience members on the edge of their seats.

Describing her first experience as a playwright, Brinkerhoff, who is well known locally for her acting, was frank.

“I’ve never been in a director’s position before. It has been challenging. It was a really great experience for me to step into someone else’s shoes.”

‘Doctor, Doctor’ by Bryce Stanley

Written and directed by M-CHS student Bryce Stanley, Doctor, Doctor is a one-act play based on the popular TV show Dr. Who.

Chronicling the battles of two rival doctors played by Sheldon Harris and Xavier Eddy, the production will stand out from traditional theater productions.

“It’s going to be a fun time for everyone,” said Stanley. “My play has a lot of sci-fi movie stuff.”

‘Love’s Quest Through Darkness’ by Miaya Duran

Written and directed my Miaya Duran, Love’s Quest Through Darkness tells the story of a cursed prince whose love results in the death of those whom his heart desires.

Based on Greek mythology, the one-act play is headlined by M-CHS students Xavier Eddy (Zeus) and the always popular Todd Underwood (Medusa).

“At first, I thought this was going to be easy, but it got stressful,” said Duran of her first directing experience. “Right now, I feel confident and really good about everything.”