A look back at the week Jan. 15-21

Justice of the Peace Fred Lawson in his office, 615 E. Blanco, 1952. (The Henry Jackson Collection, Aztec Museum.
This Week in History

The following is a recap of local events for this time period throughout history.

40 years ago (1984)

Savino and Ellen Jaquez, Aztec, celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary Jan. 6 with special greetings from the White House. President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan sent a card to the couple last week congratulating them on their long marriage. The card reads: “We are pleased to share the joy of this occasion with you. May the happy memories of your years together bring warmth to your celebration. Your long marriage is a tribute to our nation’s greatest strength – the American family. Congratulations and God bless you.” It was hand signed Nancy Reagan and Ronald Reagan. A similar card was received a few years ago from Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter. … Jaquez said that he has no idea how the Reagans and Carters got their name and anniversary. He has made no contact with either one before. Mr. and Mr. Jaquez were married Jan. 6, 1926, in Casper, Wyo., where he was working for Standard Oil Company.

Aztec Independent Review

50 years ago (1974)

San Juan College will offer a course in Aviation Ground School during the Spring Semester. The course is a basic study of Federal Aviation Regulations, Meteorology, Navigation, Theory of Flight, Use of Radio and general service of aircraft. The course is designed to enable the student to pass the ground school requirements for the FAA written exam for private and commercial pilots.

Aztec Independent Review

75 years ago (1949)

The end of 1948 was marked by several very interesting meetings for members of the Home Builders Club. Wilma White gave us pointers on New Mexican Cookery at the home of Mildred King. Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Woods of Farmington told us of Navajo Customs in the home of Alta Utton. New members and guests thoroughly enjoyed the annual Christmas Party with the club in Lorraine Smith’s home. The hostess opened the program by the reading of Luke 2, accompanied at the piano by LaVelma Madson, who also sang two solos. Georgia Faye Anderson played carols for group singing. Mildred Gay read a Christmas story. Little Joan King, Carolyn Coan and Marilyn Webb gave us poetry, music and song.

Aztec Independent Review

100 years ago (1924)

Messrs. Vanorsdel and Baldwin, agents for the Perlin Perpetual Battery Co., were in Aztec last Friday and demonstrated the new battery as per schedule. Mr. Baldwin stepped on the starting pedal of his car until the battery was completely exhausted, and then the battery was allowed to stand for six minutes when Mr. Baldwin again stepped on the starting pedal and it started the motor with perfect ease. The day was cold, the motor chilled and conditions were favorable for subjecting the battery to a most severe test; and it delivered the goods. There was quite a large crowd present to witness the demonstration, and a second test was made which resulted with same successful results as did the first test, and Vanorsdel and Baldwin made immediate sale of two batteries. Messrs. Vanorsdel and Baldwin then drove to Farmington and demonstrated the battery at that place on Saturday.

San Juan Review

110 years ago (1914)

The County Commissioners are attempting to secure a more equitable assessment on ranch property for 1914. In an irrigated country where there is such a difference in the values of land within short distances it is almost impossible to make an assessment that is fair and equitable to all. In order to get the values as near equal as it is possible for the same quality of land, they have divided the lands into the school district, and second into seven classifications: farm land under cultivation, orchard, lands available for cultivation, wet and swampy land, pasture, dry land above ditches, and waste land. … The commissioners are doing their best to solve the problem of fair taxation for all and are spending considerable time in working out the solution, and hope to avoid in the future errors made in the systems of the past.

Farmington Times Hustler

120 years ago (1904)

The I.O.O.F. Hall at Aztec, an elegant two-story brick edifice, new, modern and up-to-date in finish, was dedicated Saturday with pomp and ceremony. The hall and ante-rooms are large and spacious and gives to Aztec Lodge the long-felt want of plenty of space, so that the ever refractory goat in his mad charge down the hall will leave an everlasting impression in the bosom of the new and unexpectant members, while the older ones look wise and merely murmur: “I told you so.”

San Juan County Index

This Week in Local History is compiled by Debi Tracy Olsen, local journalist and member of the Aztec Museum Board of Directors. The stories are pulled from newspaper archives and are reprinted as they appeared, errors and all.