
80 years ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Dec. 27, 1935

Car theft

Two robbers from parts unknown were nabbed Tuesday morning in Dolores. The pair had taken a car belonging to Maxie Stevens, in Cortez, and driven it to Dolores where they were taken in charge by Marshals Cord Bowen and Ross Thomas and lodged in the town jail. Stevens saw his car driving away and called the marshal who gave chase in a pick-up belonging to Mr. Black, of Blanding, Utah. The chase car pulled up to the stolen car and Marshall Bowen was able to climb in using the runner board. After an exciting race the cars finally wound up in Dolores where the Stevens car ran out of gas in front of the Bosman garage. Bowen said he had a most thrilling experience on his ride in the stolen car. He was unarmed and could to nothing but stay in the car, which was moving at a speed of 70 MPH.

Ritter wedding

A wedding of interest to the whole community was solemnized at noon Christmas day when Miss Maurice Thomas became the bride of Mr. John Ritter at the home of the bride’s parents in Dolores. Thomas graduated from the local high school and attended Western state college. She has been a teacher of home economics. Ritter is attending Fort Lewis College. The couple is honeymooning at Carlsbad Caverns.

Spud tax

No tax to be paid on any spuds grown in 1935. The new potato program as announce by Ed Barr, County agent, will affect everybody who grows potatoes in the coming 1936 crop years. All potatoes raised above a growers quota will have to pay a tax of 75 cents a hundred.