
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, June 23, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

Some person or persons entered the T.H. Akin Mercantile Co. warehouse at the rear of the post office Monday night and hauled away about 20 sacks of sugar and broke into the Pastime billiard hall and stole a quality of tobacco and candy. Irvin Dunham was arrested in connection with the burglaries and given a hearing Wednesday before Justice of the Peace H.V. Pyle and placed under bond for trial at the next term of the district court.


A drop in the local postage rate from 3 to 2 cents will go into effect July 1. The change recently enacted also gives the president authority to make a general reduction in postal rates if he finds business conditions warrant that action.


J.R. Cheney, division engineer of the state highway department, was here Wednesday and stated that Dolores was in line to receive a portion of what is known as the three percent gasoline tax money for use improving the state highway through town. State highway No. 145 is now officially recognized as passing through town and it is Dolores' turn to receive this money, which amounts to about a thousand dollars a year, for improvement of its street. Cortez and Mancos have each received their money.


Chaplain Bayliss, of the U.S. Army, was here Sunday and made arrangements to hold services each Sunday at the two C.C.C. camps, at Mesa Verde and Beaver. Rev. C.L. Flanders Is appointed chaplain for the Beaver camp, and Rev. Bell, of Mancos, for the Mesa Verde camp. There will be Protestant services at these camps three Sundays of the month and catholic services one Sunday each month. Rev. Paul A. Shields preached at Beaver Camp last Sunday.


The country is off the gold standard. That makes it unanimous. The editor has been off (the gold standard, if you please) for a long time.


McPhee Items: Loyal "Jack" Grabeel is suffering from a sprained ankle which he sustained Sunday when a rock he stepped on rolled over with him.


Lebanon Items: Mr. and Mrs. Bud Byran, Winnifred Neely, Marry Hoskins and Dan and Walter Wolff enjoyed a picnic at Beaver Friday.


Mancos Items: Sixteen members of the Mancos Study Club motored to Mesa Verde park where they were the guests of Mrs. Marshall Finnan Thursday afternoon. Under her guidance they visited some of the interested places, including the museum, Eileen Nusbaum hospital and the new amphitheater now under construction. The replica of Basket Weaver period - the joint work of the park architect, Lyle Bennett, and the naturalist, Paul Franke - is a work of art which is carried out in the minutest detail They further plan a replica of six periods and in this way picture the history of this people from the first period to the present time.