
80 Years Ago

Taken from the pages of the Dolores Star, Friday, Aug. 4, 1933, Fred Bradshaw, Editor

J.L. Morrison tells this one on his uncle. Back in the Texas Panhandle his uncle was once boiling a pot of coffee and frying some bacon over a little fire he had made on the prairie. The fire caught in the grass and he had to run along behind to keep the skillet over the blazing grass, and by the time he had his bacon fried, he was 28 miles away from his pot of coffee.


Victor "Jumbo" Sundquist, of the New Mexico Lumber Mfg. Co., was a visitor in Dolores Tuesday and reported that the new logging road from the foot of the hill at the mount of Dry Canon to the timber company will be open to use this week. The work was practically completed yesterday, though there will be considerable smoothing of rough spots and touching up to do.

The job is a far bigger one than most people believe. Logs will be rolling into the mill soon at a rapid rate.


Albert Stroud, of Stroud's Cash Store, would like very much to know the whereabouts of one Edwin Allegor and Stroud's Chevrolet truck, which is believed to have been tolen last week.

Allegor had been employed by Stroud to drive the truck and had recently made a trip to Kim and back. Stroud remained in kim and sent the man here with a load of merchandise. He was to return to Kim and left here with the truck Monday of last week, which is the last that has been heard of the truck or the man.


The Dolores-Rico road has been in splendid condition this summer, and Alfred Patterson, a Dolores boy, is entitled to the credit. "Pat" has kept this road in better condition than has ever been known before, besides making a number of permanent improvements as well. Let's hope the powers see fit to keep this young man on the job at least until a standard highway is completed all the way.


A meeting of the businessmen of Dolores was held at the G.D. Taylor hardware store Tuesday evening when the provision and requirements of the government's new re-employment agreement was discussed.


W.H. Robinson, one of the most prominent farmers in Montezuma County, died Thursday of last week in Cortez. Funeral services were held at Cortez at the M.E. church Sunday afternoon and the body shipped to Edmond, Okla., for interment.

Mr. Robinson was 69 years old and leaves a wife and daughter. He had been a resident of the county for 25 years and owned a nice farm on the Dolores-Cortez road.


The slogan "Buy American" is all right, but Dell Gee, of the La Jara Gazette, injects a note of doubt into the situation by desiring to know what he is to do the buying with.


Advertisement: 15 shots quick as a wink. This little Stevens sure throws 'em straight and hard, whether you're sighting on a scurrying red squirrel or into a bull's-eye. J. Stevens Arms Company, Chicopee Fall, Mass.